What do I need to succeed?

Our program is based on quality traffic, meaning that your users have to check-out from their reservations for you to monetize your traffic. Focus your efforts on acquiring well-targeted users, who are interested in completing reservations to maximize your conversion rate and commission earnings.

We also recommend that you experiment with and test different traffic sources, products and placements to optimize your user conversion.

Different traffic sources

We recommend testing a variety of traffic sources and starting on a small scale to see what works best for you. If you are new to affiliate marketing, start with online research, visit our SEO and PPC tips pages and feel free to contact us for tips and best practices.


This depends on the type of your website and audience. For example, deep links may be the most effective for blogs talking about a specific hotel or destination, whilst a White Label solution may be more effective for a price-comparison site. Read more here.


It’s important to think about which pages of your site you’re placing the product on and where on the page it is most visible. Some questions to consider: Does the page have good traffic or SEO visibility? Will the product be relevant to the users visiting the page? Can users easily notice the product?

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