Paid Search Tips

You can buy traffic via advertising or paid search to attract new visitors to your site. For trademark reasons, make sure you use your own website domain or your private brand Custom URLs in paid search or advertising campaigns. DO NOT use any of our brands in the URL or text when creating your ads. 


Please add our brand names in your negative keywords list to avoid trademark bidding issues.

Paid search programs such as Google AdWords, Bing ads and Yahoo Search can be expensive and very competitive, so make sure you do extensive research and test with a small budget to see if they're profitable for you. Here are a few tips on paid search: 

Keyword Research

Use a keyword tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to get ideas on keywords, traffic estimates and campaigns.

Long-tail keywords 

Consider using "long tail" keywords in your paid search campaigns. For example, "Bali Hotels" is too broad and has too much competition, but "Bali hotels with spa" will be less competitive and attract more targeted traffic in a niche market.

Improve Text ads 

Make sure your text ads are relevant and compelling to attract targeted visitors. Include at least one of your keywords in your ad text. Add a strong call to action in the ad text to get people to click through to your site and book.

Optimize links

Make sure you use relevant destination URLs in your ads. For example, if your ad is about hotels in Bali, deep link to your Bali hotels page. It's recommended to use the deep linking generator in the Affiliate Portal to create the relevant deep links.

Track performance 

Make use of our label tracking feature to track the performance of your different ads, keywords or ad URLs.

Additional recommendations

Make sure you test your data and traffic sources long enough before you make any decision on performance. It’s best to wait until you have a statistically relevant amount of data before drawing conclusions.

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