SEO tips

The best way to get search engines to index your site is to provide unique, quality content useful for your site users. 


Write a unique title for each page. Your page title is displayed in search engine results. Describe your page in a concise, informative text with the most important keywords at the beginning of the title. 

Add Meta descriptions to each page. These are page summaries used by Google and other search engines on the search results page. 

Choose descriptive and easy-to-understand pages (URLs) for your website. URLs are displayed in search results. For example, use instead of

Improve Your Site Structure

Make your site easier to navigate for users. Navigation is very important for search engines as well as helping your visitors quickly find what they’re looking for. 

Use mostly text for navigation links. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site.

Provide Quality Content and Keep It Updated

Create unique quality content that is useful for your site visitors. Keep your site fresh by starting a blog, adding new content regularly, and promoting new offers for your target audience. 

Add landing pages with relevant keywords and content to attract targeted users looking to travel. For example - Romantic Hotels in Paris, Top Trending Flights to London, Bangkok Family-Friendly Vacation.


Sign up to Google Analytics to track the number of visitors to your site. This free tool will show you where visitors come from, the top landing pages, as well as recording user behaviour metrics like bounce rates, time spent on site and number of pages viewed. 

Sign up to Google webmaster tools to monitor the general health of your site. You can check page errors, security issues, HTML improvements, external links data and adjust other settings to benefit your site.

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