Which solution will suit me?

Our network offers a wide range of products, including White Labels, Widgets, Search boxes, Deep links, Banners and API.

Each affiliate site is different, and we encourage partners to experiment and find the best performing implementation method for your site. If you are unsure about which is the best solution for you, please contact our team who can advise you. To help you get started, we have put together some tips for the most appropriate product based on your website category and target audience:

(Travel) blog or content sites

If you have a personal blog or a travel site with your own content, Text links/Deep links for specific destinations will be a great way to monetize the traffic from users who are already interested in a specific destination. These work best when you use a personalized call-to-action message to catch the reader’s attention, and we recommend experimenting with different messages to see what works best for your audience.

In addition to the Text links/Deep links, you can also use location specific Search boxes and place them near your blog entries, articles and reviews.

Destination guide or directory

Using location-specific Search boxes redirecting to search results on our Brand sites, gives great results when focusing your marketing efforts on a particular market. The more prominent the placement of a search box is on your pages, the more searches will be done by your users. Therefore, we would recommend adding a search box on every page if relevant. 

Our eye-catching Banners can also be a good choice if you're looking to promote our Brand sites on your website. Place the banners prominently on your website and mix them up with other touch-points.

Social and community websites

Are you promoting events, sharing holiday tips or writing reviews on a community site? A generic Search box linking to our Brand sites can be placed wherever users might be interested in looking to make a search near their place of interest. 

To increase traffic, you can also share different travel options via your newsletter or social media pages, using Text links or Banners.

Merchant, price-comparison and classified-ad sites

You can easily promote our travel metasearch along with other services on your website. We recommend adding relevant tabs (e.g. Flights, Hotels) to your header or sidebar menu, so that your users can easily notice the search offering on your website. From these tabs, you can redirect users to a White Label to promote your own brand, or our Brand sites if you would like to benefit from them. 

Additionally, we found that cross-selling different verticals works particularly well. For example, you could place our hotel search box in the sidebar of your flight-search page and place a Banner or a Text link with a compelling call-to-action anchor text on the booking confirmation pages.

Whichever category your website belongs to, it's recommended to use specific tracking with each of the different placements, so that it's easy to differentiate them in your Dashboard and reports. We're happy to help you set it up, so please feel free to reach out.

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