How do I use the deeplink generator?

The deep link generator in the Portal is an easy-to-use tool that can be used to generate Text links. You can use it to generate Flight, Hotel and Car links for the different KAYAK brands depending on your target market.

You can choose to send users to the site's brand page, or dedicated destination or hotel pages. For these links, you can also choose to specify dates as well as additional information such as traveller information & room information etc.

Once you have selected the language and site, you can chose your tracking method for granular tracking. For basic tracking, you can add a Click ID/Label, used to represent each session or click to the deeplinks in order to optimise marketing channels or product decisions. For more advanced tracking, you can add further tracking parameters including Location ID and Experiment ID. Read more about granular tracking here

Please note the site used should match the targeted locale. 

By default, the search results will open in a new window, however, if you wish to change this, you can un-select the box at the bottom of the page.You can then find the partner link URL and HTML code ready to be copied on your website.

It’s good practice to always use this link generator tool because links include several important parameters that are specific to your affiliate account. If you simply copy the URL from your own browser's address bar, it won't include these parameters, and we won't be able to track your commission from these links. 

Important note:

Unless you use a White Label custom URL, please ensure that all your affiliate links include your unique affiliate ID 'a' at the very least.

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